Trigger Adjustments


The sights settle in on the target, you tighten your finger ever so gently on the trigger, and the gun fires. A solid hit! If the gun is set up properly, you were probably totally unaware of the functioning of the trigger, but if it hadn’t worked well, that hit may have been a miss. As with so many other things on your rifle…it all depends. While the trigger may not be the most important thing for accuracy, its probably one of the most important parts of your rifle for function. Weight of pull, sear engagement, trigger creep, and over travel are some of the most important things that make a trigger function. While some of these might not make sense to most individuals, they all go hand in hand for having that perfectly tuned, crisp trigger pull that most acquire. If your trigger feels to heavy or hard to pull, if it feels like your pulling for days….simply put the most ideal trigger “feel” is to have little to no improper movement that might affect your ability to hold on target while squeezing, which inherently effects your overall accuracy and performance.


Starting at – $65*


*inquire for more details on what will fit you and your firearm