Muzzle Brake Installation


Cross Canyon Arms believes in function and accuracy when building a rifle. The muzzle brake being a fine example, years of research and development for tuning the effects of a muzzle brake for optimum accuracy is what was accomplished. When a muzzle brake is properly installed, the muzzle brake stops “barrel whip” and vibration ensuring a straighter, more accurate shot. The most accurate method tested and proved is for the muzzle brake to be threaded on and permanently torqued and lock tightened onto your barrel, you won’t find a better method done then at Cross Canyon Arms, custom is the true definition, our muzzle brakes are cut so square and true, that with the final fit and finished that you can’t even find the joint. Another notable difference with a muzzle brake is felt recoil is reduced as much as 45%! Felt recoil is one of the main reason’s why someone brings a rifle to be worked on at Cross Canyon Arms.


Disclaimer- With the installation of a Muzzle brake its cautioned that all persons wear appropriate hearing protection as the muzzle blast is heard in excess of 160 dB(A) +/- 3 dB. Not only that, while CCA will not shorten your barrel, the overall length will increase by approximately 2.125?. No noticeable weight difference is noted.


Muzzle Brake Installation – $265 (ss) $295 (cm)