Rifle Accurizing Package
If your looking to get the best out of your factory rifle then you’ve come to the right place. Cross Canyon’s rigorous accuracy methods are the best in the industry and top notch! What you get is a completely tore down rifle that is hand inspected inside and out, if we can fix or adjust it…we do. We start with your action, we square the face of the receiver, lap the lugs to be sure they are square and true, then we square your bolt face to your squared receiver face. With the barrel separated from the receiver we’re allowed to square the barrel by setting it back and re-chambering it to minimum tolerances. We then square and re-crown the muzzle end of the barrel. Once this is done we channel and free float your freshly squared barreled action to your stock ensuring that the glass bedding is done proper for the repeatable shot your looking for. Adjusting the trigger before final assembly is the last step, we’ll minimize creep and over travel, and adjust the trigger pull to the desired weight of the shooter.
*if you require us to shoot and proof your rifle upon accurization please call the shop to discuss your proofing needs. A minimum charge of $150 & 3 weeks will be added to your ticket for staff and range time. CCA does not have an in house range for testing and load development.
Rifle Accurizing Package – $475